A big contributor to the dormancy of Graphical-Belief is the dormancy of the Garnet graphics toolkit on which it was based. Garnet was a true joy to work with, but Brad Meyers and the Garnet developers have since moved on to other projects. There is currently a small team working on maintaining Garnet on Sourceforge, and the small amount of time that I spend on Graphical-Belief, I have spent working on making Garnet more stable.
Despite the fact that Graphical-Belief is now longer actively developed, there were a number of interesting features, particularly, in terms of the user interface, that Graphical-Belief supports. In particular, these pages written to be an on-line demonstration of Graphical-Belief represent some interesting research results that I never wrote-up in a more formal fashion. Consequently, I am reposting these pages in the hope that they may be inspirational to some future developer.
View a list of Graphical-Belief publications and on-line technical reports.
Get more information about obtaining Graphical-Belief licence.
The Graphical-Belief user interface is implemented in Garnet.
Go to the home page for home page for Russell Almond , author of Graphical-Belief.
Go to the home page for StatSci , (now Insightful) sponsor of the Graphical-Belief project.