Common Cause Failure
and Model Construction.
The model we have been using so far is a simple tree shape, there are
no (undirected) loops in the tree. This, is by no means, a limitation
of Graphical-Belief. Graphical-Belief's model
compilation procedure allows the user to build models with
common-causes: single variables which serve as an input to
more than one variable. Although adding loops adds to the
computational complexity, Graphical-Belief can still handle
the resulting models. This example also allows us to explore some of
the model construction features of Graphical-Belief.
For the purposes of the example, suppose we learn that the Motor
Operated Valves have a higher failure rate when exposed to live steam.
As presumable live steam would fill the room containing both MOV-25-A
and MOV-25-B, both would be effected. Because the common cause could
cause a failure in both redundant branches in the system, the presence
of such a common cause failure could dramatically increase the system
failure rate and we need to carefully study it. For the purposes of
illustration, we will assume that the probability live steam is
present during an accident is .01 and that the MOVs are ten times more
likely to fail if live steam is present.
Model Construction
To add the common cause failure to the model we must:
1. Add a new variable to represent the presence of
live steam.
2. Create a rule which describes the
distribution of the live steam variable.
3. Create a new class of rules which describes
the distribution of MOV failures conditioned on the presence of live
4. Compile the model (to get rid of the loops) and
analyze the results.
This example has given us a chance to explore the model construction
features of Graphical-Belief. Here we see some of
its unique knowledge engineering features:
- We can draw from a library of previously created variables and
rules, drawing on work and knowledge stored in previous models.
- We can create new classes of variables and rules so that we can
re-use the same knowledge in many places and we can keep track
of where we used that knowledge.
- We can set the signature of rules so that they are only used in
appropriate contexts.
- We can save graph fragments as rules so that we can re-use
portions of our model [we are currently working on this
These features provide a powerful mechanism for sharing expertise
among a team of analysts. In many cases only one or two analysts need
understand the full complexity of each rule. Other analysts can draw
on their previous work. This makes
Graphical-Belief a very powerful environment for
exploring graphical models.
Another part of Graphical-Belief's power is not
apparent from any of the model we have so far explored:
Graphical-Belief can use both probabilities and
belief functions as the primary representation of uncertainty. The next example explore this flexibility.
Graphical-Belief can use many representations of
uncertainty, this example explores a few.
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interface is implemented in Garnet.
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information about obtaining Graphical-Belief (and why
it is not generally available).
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of Graphical-Belief.
here to get to the home page for Insightful (the company that StatSci
has eventually evolved into).
Russell Almond, <lastname> (at)
Last modified: Fri Aug 16 17:37:55 1996