In this example, we will look at the first two kinds of sensitivity analysis. In both cases, they can be expressed as sensitivity to parameters of the graphical model. The third case requires us to study sensitivity to changes in the structure of the graphical model. The common-cause failure example shows how to make these kinds of changes.
The first assumption is that we have enumerated all failure modes for the system. If that assumption does not hold, then there will be a small probability of failure for the system even if one of the subsystems is working. This the the parameter (:support-if-false :true). We can study sensitivity to the assumption that we have enumerated all failure modes by varying this parameter.
Figure 1. Graphical Model for Low Pressure Coolant Injection
System with no parameter changes (directed graph view).
To study sensitivity to this change, we open a parameter editor on the "Lpci-Sys-And" rule. We change the probability of failure if the condition is false from 0 to 0.01. We can then observe the change in the probability of system failure.
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